Which of the following transition words or phrases demonstrates a time relationship? (1 point) Responses therefore therefore moreover moreover finally finally in conclusion


The transition word that demonstrates a time relationship is "finally".

To identify which of the given transition words or phrases demonstrates a time relationship, we need to understand the function of each option.

1. "Therefore": This transition word shows a cause and effect relationship, indicating a logical conclusion based on the preceding information. It does not indicate a time relationship.

2. "Moreover": This transition word is used to add information to support or amplify the previous point, but it does not indicate a time relationship.

3. "Finally": This transition word suggests the last or concluding point in a series or sequence. It does indicate a time relationship, as it implies the end of preceding events or ideas.

4. "In conclusion": This phrase is used to signal the end of a speech or piece of writing and summarize the main points. It does not demonstrate a time relationship; rather, it signifies the conclusion of an argument.

Based on the explanations, the transition word "finally" demonstrates a time relationship.