When you get home, you smell cookies baking. You respond by walking toward the kitchen. Many signals move through your nervous system in this process. Which component is involved first?


dendrites in your sensory neurons
dendrites in your sensory neurons - not selected, this is the correct answer

dendrites in your motor neurons
dendrites in your motor neurons - no response given

axons in your sensory neurons
axons in your sensory neurons - incorrect

axons in your motor neurons explain your anwer

The correct answer is dendrites in your sensory neurons. When you smell the cookies baking, sensory neurons in your nose detect the odor and send signals to the brain through their dendrites. These dendrites receive the initial signals and transmit them to the brain for further processing and response.

The correct component involved first in this process is the dendrites in your sensory neurons. Dendrites are the branch-like structures that receive signals from other neurons or sensory receptors. In this case, the sensory neurons in your nose would have dendrites that detect the smell of the baking cookies and send signals to the brain. This signal is then processed in the brain, and the appropriate response is initiated, which in this case is walking toward the kitchen. Therefore, the first component involved in this process is the dendrites in your sensory neurons.

The correct answer is dendrites in your sensory neurons. When you get home and smell cookies baking, the scent molecules reach your nose and activate sensory receptors. These receptors, located in your nose, send signals to the sensory neurons through their dendrites. The dendrites are the branch-like structures of neurons that receive incoming signals or information from other neurons or sensory receptors.

In this case, the dendrites in your sensory neurons receive the signals from the olfactory receptors in your nose, which detect the smell of cookies baking. These signals are then transmitted to the sensory neurons and eventually travel to your brain.

Axons, on the other hand, are the long fibers of neurons that transmit signals away from the cell body. In this context, the axons in your sensory neurons would transmit the signals after the dendrites have received the sensory information. However, the question asks about the first component involved in this process, which is the dendrites in your sensory neurons.