When you get home, you smell cookies baking. You respond by walking toward the kitchen. Many signals move through your nervous system in this process. Which component is involved first? (1 point)

O dendrites in your motor neurons

O dendrites in your sensory neurons

Oaxons in your motor neurons

Oaxons in your sensory neurons

Dendrites in your sensory neurons are involved first in this process.

The component involved first in this process is the dendrites in your sensory neurons.

The component involved first in this process is the dendrites in your sensory neurons.

To understand why, let's break down the process step by step. When you get home and smell cookies baking, the odor molecules from the cookies in the air stimulate the sensory receptors in your nose. These sensory receptors are specialized cells that detect the smell and convert it into electrical signals.

The dendrites in your sensory neurons, which are extensions of the sensory neurons themselves, receive these electrical signals from the sensory receptors. Dendrites play a crucial role in transmitting information from other cells or sensory receptors to the neuron itself.

Therefore, in this scenario, the dendrites in your sensory neurons are the first component involved in receiving and processing the smell of the cookies baking. They receive the electrical signals generated by the sensory receptors in your nose and forward them to the cell body of the sensory neurons, which in turn initiate the transmission of signals through the nervous system.