James Oglethorpe recruited the Highland Scots to establish a settlement on the Altamaha River. Which reason for colonization, described in the Charter of 1732 is this an example of?

(1 point)






This example is an example of defense. James Oglethorpe recruited the Highland Scots to establish a settlement on the Altamaha River in order to create a defensive buffer against Spanish Florida.

To determine which reason for colonization is exemplified by James Oglethorpe recruiting the Highland Scots to establish a settlement on the Altamaha River, we can refer to the Charter of 1732. The Charter of 1732 was the document that established the colony of Georgia and outlined its purposes. To find the reason for colonization, we need to refer to the specific goals or purposes mentioned in the charter.

First, let's look at the options provided: Economic, Philanthropic, Religious, and Defense.

The Economic reason for colonization would involve the establishment of the colony for the purpose of seeking economic opportunities such as trade, agriculture, or the exploitation of natural resources.

The Philanthropic reason for colonization would involve the establishment of the colony with the intention of helping or aiding others, typically in a charitable or philanthropic sense.

The Religious reason for colonization would involve the establishment of the colony for religious freedoms, including the establishment of religious communities or the freedom to practice a specific religion.

The Defense reason for colonization would involve the establishment of the colony to serve as a defensive outpost or buffer against potential threats or enemies.

James Oglethorpe recruiting the Highland Scots to establish a settlement on the Altamaha River aligns with the Defense reason for colonization. Oglethorpe sought to establish a military-style colony to serve as a buffer between the existing British colonies and the Spanish threat from Florida. The presence of the Highland Scots, known for their military prowess, would strengthen the defense capabilities of the colony.

So, the correct answer is Defense.