Yamacraw chief

Lived close to what is now Savannah
Provided assistance to James Oglethorpe and early settlers
Who is being described by these statements?



Mary Musgrove

James Oglethorpe

B. Tomochichi

The person being described by these statements is B. Tomochichi.

To find the answer to this question, we can analyze the statements one by one:

1. "Yamacraw chief" - This tells us that the person in question was a chief of the Yamacraw tribe.

2. "Lived close to what is now Savannah" - This gives us a geographical clue, implying that the person lived near the present-day location of Savannah.

3. "Provided assistance to James Oglethorpe and early settlers" - This suggests that the person was helpful to James Oglethorpe, who was one of the early settlers in the area.

By considering these statements, we can conclude that B. Tomochichi is the correct answer as he was a Yamacraw chief who lived near Savannah and indeed provided assistance to James Oglethorpe and the early settlers.

The person being described by these statements is B. Tomochichi.