Graph the points in the coordinate plane from the data values in the table.

(5, -2), (3,2),(1,6)
(-5,-2), (-3,2), (-1,6)
(-5,2), (-3,2), (-1,6)
(-2,-5), (2, -3), (6,-1)
which represents the grid?

The first option, (5, -2), (3,2),(1,6), represents the points (5, -2), (3,2), and (1,6) in the coordinate plane.

To graph the points on a coordinate plane, we first need to identify the range of values for the x-axis and y-axis. Looking at the given points, we can see that the x-values range from -5 to 6, and the y-values range from -5 to 6.

Now, let's plot the points on the coordinate plane:

For the points (5, -2), (3, 2), and (1, 6):
- Plot the first point (5, -2) by moving 5 units to the right on the x-axis and then 2 units down on the y-axis.
- Plot the second point (3, 2) by moving 3 units to the right on the x-axis and then 2 units up on the y-axis.
- Plot the third point (1, 6) by moving 1 unit to the right on the x-axis and then 6 units up on the y-axis.

For the points (-5, -2), (-3, 2), and (-1, 6):
- Plot the first point (-5, -2) by moving 5 units to the left on the x-axis and then 2 units down on the y-axis.
- Plot the second point (-3, 2) by moving 3 units to the left on the x-axis and then 2 units up on the y-axis.
- Plot the third point (-1, 6) by moving 1 unit to the left on the x-axis and then 6 units up on the y-axis.

For the points (-5, 2), (-3, 2), and (-1, 6):
- Plot the first point (-5, 2) by moving 5 units to the left on the x-axis and then 2 units up on the y-axis.
- Plot the second point (-3, 2) by moving 3 units to the left on the x-axis and then 2 units up on the y-axis.
- Plot the third point (-1, 6) by moving 1 unit to the left on the x-axis and then 6 units up on the y-axis.

For the points (-2, -5), (2, -3), and (6, -1):
- Plot the first point (-2, -5) by moving 2 units to the left on the x-axis and then 5 units down on the y-axis.
- Plot the second point (2, -3) by moving 2 units to the right on the x-axis and then 3 units down on the y-axis.
- Plot the third point (6, -1) by moving 6 units to the right on the x-axis and then 1 unit down on the y-axis.

After plotting all the given points, you should see that the correct representation of the grid is the one with the points (5, -2), (3, 2), and (1, 6).

To graph the points in the coordinate plane, we need to plot the given points on a grid. Each point consists of an x-coordinate and a y-coordinate. Let's plot each set of points on a grid and determine which of the options represents the given points.

1) (5, -2), (3,2), (1,6):

First, locate the point (5, -2) on the grid. Start from the origin (0,0) and move 5 units to the right on the x-axis and 2 units down on the y-axis. Mark this point.

Next, locate the point (3, 2) on the grid. Start from the origin and move 3 units to the right on the x-axis and 2 units up on the y-axis. Mark this point.

Finally, locate the point (1, 6) on the grid. Start from the origin and move 1 unit to the right on the x-axis and 6 units up on the y-axis. Mark this point.

2) (-5,-2), (-3,2), (-1,6):

Start from the origin and plot the points (-5,-2), (-3,2), and (-1,6) using the same method. Connect the dots to see the shape formed by these points.

3) (-5,2), (-3,2), (-1,6):

Start from the origin and plot the points (-5,2), (-3,2), and (-1,6) using the same method. Connect the dots to see the shape formed by these points.

4) (-2,-5), (2, -3), (6,-1):

Start from the origin and plot the points (-2,-5), (2, -3), and (6,-1) using the same method. Connect the dots to see the shape formed by these points.

After plotting all the points for each option, compare the shapes formed by the points to the given options. The option that matches the given points is the correct representation of the grid.