happiness, sadness, and fear are all examples of ____ emotions.

a. learned
b. primary
c. secondary
d. innate

b. primary

b. primary

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the types of emotions described in the question.

a. Learned emotions: These are emotions that are acquired through personal experiences and cultural influences. Examples include guilt, shame, and love. They are not innate or universally felt across all individuals.

b. Primary emotions: Primary emotions are considered to be biologically-based and universally experienced by all humans. They are often referred to as "basic" or "primary" emotions because they form the foundation for other complex emotions. Happiness, sadness, and fear are all examples of primary emotions.

c. Secondary emotions: Secondary emotions are emotions that arise as a result of experiencing primary emotions. These emotions are more complex and influenced by cognitive processes, personal beliefs, and cultural factors. Examples of secondary emotions include jealousy, pride, and remorse.

d. Innate emotions: Innate emotions are emotions that are present at birth or are naturally occurring in humans. Some scientific research suggests that certain emotions, such as joy or distress, may be innate and can be observed even in newborn babies.

So, the correct answer to the question is b. primary, as happiness, sadness, and fear are all examples of primary emotions that are universally experienced by humans.