When the subject of the sentence performs the action, the sentence is in __?

1. Active voice
2. Passive voice

1. Active voice

1. Active voice

To determine if a sentence is in active voice or passive voice, you need to consider the subject's role in performing the action.

In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action. The subject is usually positioned before the verb.

In passive voice, the subject of the sentence receives the action, and the focus is more on the object or receiver of the action. The subject is usually positioned after the verb, and the verb is often followed by a form of the auxiliary verb "to be" (e.g., is, are, was, were, etc.) and a past participle.

To identify if a sentence is in active voice or passive voice, follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject of the sentence. The subject is the doer of the action.
2. Determine if the subject is performing the action (active voice) or receiving the action (passive voice).
3. Look for the positioning of the subject relative to the verb. In active voice, the subject comes before the verb, while in passive voice, the subject comes after the verb.

Based on these criteria, if the subject of the sentence is performing the action, the sentence is in active voice (option 1). If the subject is receiving the action, the sentence is in passive voice (option 2).