An example of interspecific competition is

two different species of birds competing for the same food source, such as worms in the ground.

interspecific competition occurs when different species compete for the same resources within an ecosystem. One example of interspecific competition is the competition between lions and hyenas for prey in the African savannah. Both species rely on hunting and scavenging for food, so they often compete for the same prey animals such as zebras, wildebeests, and antelopes. This competition can result in both species exerting pressure on each other, as they try to improve their own chances of obtaining food and survival.

Interspecific competition refers to the competition for resources between different species. It occurs when species that share the same resources limit each other's access to those resources, resulting in competition for survival and reproduction.

An example of interspecific competition can be observed between two species of birds that rely on the same type of food, such as a particular insect species. Let's say there are two species of birds, X and Y, inhabiting the same area. Both species feed on the same insects found in the region. As the bird population increases, the demand for food also increases. However, the insect population remains constant or may even decline due to predation, environmental factors, or other reasons.

In this scenario, both bird species will have to compete for the limited food resources available. They'll need to outcompete each other to secure enough insects to survive and reproduce successfully. This competition may include various strategies, such as territorial defense, aggression, or even adaptive foraging behaviors.

To find more specific examples of interspecific competition, you can conduct research on ecosystems where multiple species interact and compete for resources. Explore scientific articles, ecological studies, or textbooks that focus on community ecology or population dynamics. These sources often provide detailed examples and case studies of interspecific competition in various ecological contexts.