This is a realllyy tricky problem and I can't find two more solutions to the equation...someone please help!

Find three ordered pairs for the given equation:

4x - 3y = 6
I got one: (3,2)

I need help on this ASAP!! Thankss

What about when x is zero, what is y?

what about wnen y is zero, what is x?

If x is zero, then the answer would turn into negative right?

You've been shown how to solve these types of problems multiple times.

It's like someone explains to you how to solve x + 1 = 5, but then you create another post because you don't know how to solve x + 1 = 6, and the another post because you don't know how to solve x + 1 = 7, and then you create another post ...

To find three ordered pairs for the given equation, you need to find three different values of x and y that satisfy the equation. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Pick a value for x. Let's choose x = 0, for simplicity.

Step 2: Substitute the chosen value of x into the equation and solve for y.
4(0) - 3y = 6
0 - 3y = 6
-3y = 6
Divide both sides by -3 to isolate y:
y = -2

So, the first ordered pair is (0, -2).

Step 3: Repeat steps 1 and 2 with a different value of x. Let's choose x = 1 this time.

4(1) - 3y = 6
4 - 3y = 6
-3y = 6 - 4
-3y = 2
Divide both sides by -3 to isolate y:
y = -2/3

The second ordered pair is (1, -2/3).

Step 4: Repeat steps 1 and 2 again to find one more ordered pair. Let's choose x = -1 this time.

4(-1) - 3y = 6
-4 - 3y = 6
-3y = 6 + 4
-3y = 10
Divide both sides by -3 to isolate y:
y = -10/3

The third ordered pair is (-1, -10/3).

So, the three ordered pairs for the given equation 4x - 3y = 6 are (0, -2), (1, -2/3), and (-1, -10/3).