Which option describes elaboration

Cutting out unnecessary information

Writing more words to lengthen the text

Organizing the text in a way that makes it easy to understand

Adding details to tell more about a topic

Adding details to tell more about a topic

Adding details to tell more about a topic

The option that describes elaboration is "Adding details to tell more about a topic." Elaboration involves providing additional information, examples, or explanations to help clarify and expand upon a topic or idea. It is a way of enhancing the content by providing more depth and specificity, allowing the reader or listener to gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

To incorporate elaboration into your writing or speech, you can focus on including relevant and meaningful details that support and enrich your main points. This can involve providing specific examples, citing statistics or research findings, explaining concepts in greater detail, or offering personal anecdotes or experiences. By doing so, you are giving your audience a more comprehensive and thorough understanding of the topic at hand.