What sentence type is as Harry walk to school, he whistled his favorite song

The sentence type is complex, as it contains both an independent clause ("he whistled his favorite song") and a dependent clause ("as Harry walked to school").

The sentence "As Harry walked to school, he whistled his favorite song" is a complex sentence.

The sentence "As Harry walked to school, he whistled his favorite song" is an example of a complex sentence.

To determine the sentence type, we first need to understand the different types of sentences. There are four main types of sentences: declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory.

1. Declarative Sentence: This type of sentence makes a statement or expresses an opinion. It ends with a period.
Example: "She loves to read books."

2. Interrogative Sentence: This type of sentence asks a question. It ends with a question mark.
Example: "Did you finish your homework?"

3. Imperative Sentence: This type of sentence gives a command, instruction, or request. It can end with a period or exclamation mark.
Example: "Please turn off the lights." or "Close the door!"

4. Exclamatory Sentence: This type of sentence expresses strong emotions or excitement. It ends with an exclamation mark.
Example: "What a beautiful sunset!"

Now, let's analyze the given sentence: "As Harry walked to school, he whistled his favorite song."

The sentence consists of two clauses: "As Harry walked to school" and "he whistled his favorite song." The subordinate clause "As Harry walked to school" describes the circumstances or condition under which the main clause "he whistled his favorite song" occurs.

Therefore, since the sentence contains a main clause and a subordinate clause linked together, it is considered a complex sentence.