Occasional control includes the following example:

Standing plans

Clan control



Contingency plans

It seems like you have mentioned four different examples of occasional control. Let's break them down step by step:

1. Standing plans: Standing plans are a type of occasional control that involves establishing predetermined courses of action to be followed in certain situations. These plans are usually developed in advance and serve as guidelines for employees to handle recurring situations and ensure consistency in decision-making.

2. Clan control: Clan control is a form of occasional control that relies on social norms, informal relationships, and shared values within an organization to influence employee behavior. It involves creating a positive organizational culture where employees are motivated to comply with desired behaviors due to a sense of loyalty, trust, and shared purpose.

3. Audits: Audits are a crucial aspect of occasional control that involve systematically examining and evaluating various aspects of an organization's operations, processes, or financial records. Through audits, organizations can identify any deviations, irregularities, or inefficiencies and take corrective actions to improve performance and ensure compliance with regulations or standards.

4. Observation: Observation is another example of occasional control, where managers or supervisors monitor and assess employees' performance, behaviors, or adherence to established procedures or guidelines. By directly observing employees, organizations can identify any issues or deviations from expected standards and intervene promptly to address them.

Remember that occasional control measures are usually applied when necessary or periodically to identify and rectify any deviations from desired performance or behaviors within an organization.

I'm sorry, but it seems like you have listed some examples rather than asking a question. If you have any specific questions related to these examples or need further information about them, please let me know and I'll be happy to help.