three approaches to control are:

Strategic, market and tactic control

Market, bureaucratic and clan control

Market, clan and self-control

Feed-forward, steering and post-control

Decentralized, centralized and democratic control

There are three approaches to control, namely:

1. Strategic, market, and tactic control: This approach focuses on monitoring and directing the overall strategic direction of the organization. Strategic control evaluates the alignment of the organization's strategies with its long-term goals and objectives. Market control involves monitoring and managing the organization's performance based on market conditions and customer demands. Tactic control pertains to monitoring and adjusting specific tactics and activities to achieve desired outcomes.

2. Market, bureaucratic, and clan control: In this approach, market control involves using market forces such as competition and customer demands to guide and regulate the organization's performance. Bureaucratic control involves the use of rules, procedures, and organizational hierarchies to enforce compliance and standardization. Clan control focuses on influencing employee behavior through shared norms, values, and beliefs, emphasizing teamwork and cooperation.

3. Market, clan, and self-control: This approach emphasizes external market forces to monitor and regulate the organization's performance (market control). Clan control is based on creating a supportive and collaborative work environment in which employees are empowered to manage their own behavior and make decisions collectively. Self-control emphasizes individual autonomy and self-regulation of behavior, where employees take responsibility for their own actions and outcomes.

4. Feed-forward, steering, and post-control: Feed-forward control involves anticipating and preventing problems before they occur by adjusting inputs and processes. Steering control focuses on monitoring and adjusting ongoing activities to keep them on track towards goals. Post-control entails evaluating performance after the fact and making necessary adjustments or corrections. These control approaches can be used sequentially or simultaneously to achieve effective control within an organization.

To get a more detailed explanation of each of these approaches to control, you can follow these steps:

1. Strategic, Market, and Tactic Control:
- Strategic control focuses on monitoring and evaluating the overall direction and performance of an organization. It involves developing long-term goals and strategies and ensuring they are being implemented effectively.
- Market control involves using market-related factors, such as competition and customer feedback, to assess and adjust organizational performance.
- Tactic control entails monitoring and managing the day-to-day activities and operations of an organization.

2. Market, Bureaucratic, and Clan Control:
- Market control, as mentioned earlier, focuses on using market-related factors to evaluate and manage performance.
- Bureaucratic control relies on formal rules, policies, and procedures to regulate and monitor organizational activities.
- Clan control emphasizes the use of shared values, norms, and culture within the organization to guide behavior and achieve control.

3. Market, Clan, and Self-control:
- Market control remains the same here, utilizing market forces to regulate performance.
- Clan control, as mentioned earlier, emphasizes the use of shared values and culture within the organization to guide behavior.
- Self-control refers to individuals taking personal responsibility for their actions and adhering to their own standards and goals.

4. Feed-forward, Steering, and Post-control:
- Feed-forward control is a proactive approach that focuses on preventing problems by identifying potential issues before they occur. It involves monitoring inputs and taking corrective actions to ensure desired outcomes.
- Steering control involves actively guiding and influencing the direction and performance of ongoing activities to achieve desired outcomes. It includes real-time monitoring and adjustments.
- Post-control refers to evaluating and adjusting performance after the completion of activities. It involves analyzing results and making necessary changes for future improvements.

By understanding and applying these different approaches to control, organizations can better assess and manage their performance, adapt to changing circumstances, and achieve their goals more effectively.