Did I use my Semi colon correctly yes or no

Sentence: I have school tomorrow; however my brother doesn't.

Yes, you used the semicolon correctly in the sentence.

Did I use my Semi colon correctly yes or no?

I have lunch; and schoool today.

No, you did not use the semicolon correctly in the sentence.

My phone broke; therefore meaning I have to go to bestbuy today!!

Is there any error in my sentence yes or no?

No, there is no error in your sentence. You used the semicolon correctly to connect two independent clauses.

Yes, you used the semicolon correctly in the sentence: "I have school tomorrow; however, my brother doesn't." The semicolon is used to separate two closely related independent clauses in a sentence. In this case, "I have school tomorrow" and "my brother doesn't" are both independent clauses, and the semicolon helps to connect them in the same sentence.

Yes, you used the semicolon correctly in your sentence.

A semicolon is used to join two closely related but independent clauses (a group of words with a subject and a verb that can stand on its own as a sentence). In your sentence, you have two independent clauses: "I have school tomorrow," and "however my brother doesn't." The semicolon is used to connect these two clauses into a single sentence.

To verify if you used a semicolon correctly, you can check if the two clauses on either side of the semicolon are complete sentences on their own. In your case, "I have school tomorrow" and "however my brother doesn't" can both function as standalone sentences, so the semicolon is appropriately used to connect them.

Remember that a semicolon is not used to join a dependent clause and an independent clause or two unrelated clauses.