Which option describes a precise language

Words that are related to a specific subject area
Language that includes slang and contractions
Specific words that get the reader, a clear image
Statements that give the characteristics of an object

Specific words that give the characteristics of an object.

The option that describes a precise language is: Specific words that get the reader a clear image.

The option that describes a precise language is:

Specific words that give the reader a clear image.

To recognize a precise language, look for statements or words that provide detailed and exact information. These specific words help the reader vividly imagine or understand the subject being described, leaving no room for ambiguity or misunderstanding. For example, instead of using general terms, specific words might describe the color, shape, size, texture, or other distinguishing characteristics of the object in question. By using precise language, the writer aims to convey the intended message with accuracy and clarity.