Central Idea is specific to ONE text while theme is universal and can apply to many texts.

True of fasle



True. The central idea of a text refers to the main point or message that the author is communicating within that specific text. It is unique to that particular piece of writing and may revolve around a specific event, character, or idea.

On the other hand, the theme is a broader concept that extends beyond individual texts. It represents a universal idea or message that can be found in multiple works of literature, across different genres and time periods. Themes often explore fundamental aspects of human nature, society, or life experiences.

To determine the central idea of a text, you should closely analyze the key details, events, and arguments presented within that specific piece. It is also useful to examine the author's purpose, tone, and overall message to identify the central idea they are trying to convey.

To identify a theme, it is necessary to look for broader patterns and connections between different texts. Consider recurring motifs, character traits, symbols, or underlying messages that are present in multiple works. Identifying a theme requires a more comprehensive understanding of various texts and a willingness to draw connections between them.