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MathematicsEquations and InequalitiesGraphing
Maximum movies = Income / Price of a movie
Maximum movies = P500 / P10
Maximum movies = 50 movies

Let's assume Khumo spends all her income on bottles of wine. The maximum number of bottles of wine she can buy is given by:

Maximum bottles of wine = Income / Price of a bottle of wine
Maximum bottles of wine = P500 / P10
Maximum bottles of wine = 50 bottles of wine
Plot this information for me on a scattered graph and shade the budget set.

To plot this information on a scatter graph, we will have the number of movies on the x-axis and the number of bottles of wine on the y-axis. The budget set will be shaded to show the combinations of movies and bottles of wine that Khumo can afford.

Assuming the maximum number of movies is 50 and the maximum number of bottles of wine is also 50, we can set up the following graph:

- X-axis (Number of Movies): From 0 to 50 with interval of 10 (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
- Y-axis (Number of Bottles of Wine): From 0 to 50 with interval of 10 (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50)

Now, let's plot the points (movies, bottles of wine) that lie on the budget set. Each point represents a combination of movies and bottles of wine that Khumo can afford with her income.

For example, if she chooses to buy 10 movies, she can afford 10 bottles of wine. This point would be plotted at (10, 10) on the graph. Similarly, if she chooses to buy 40 movies, she can afford 40 bottles of wine. This point would be plotted at (40, 40) on the graph.

Once you have plotted all the points, shade the area below and to the left of the line connecting the origin (0, 0) to the point (50, 50). This shaded region represents Khumo's budget set, showing the combinations of movies and bottles of wine that she can afford.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

To plot this on a scatter graph and shade the budget set, follow these steps:

Step 1: Set up the graph with the horizontal axis representing the number of bottles of wine and the vertical axis representing the income.

Step 2: Label the axes accordingly, with the number of bottles of wine on the x-axis and the income on the y-axis.

Step 3: Plot two points on the graph:
- One point at (50, 500), representing Khumo's maximum number of bottles of wine (50) and her income (500).
- Another point at (0, 0), representing the scenario where Khumo spends no money on wine.

Step 4: Draw a line connecting these two points to represent the budget constraint. This line shows all the possible combinations of the number of bottles of wine and income that Khumo can afford.

Step 5: Shade the area below the line, representing the budget set. This shaded region shows all the combinations that are affordable for Khumo within her given income and the price of a bottle of wine.

Your completed graph should look like a line connecting the points (50, 500) and (0, 0), with the area below the line shaded.

Note: The specific dimensions of the graph may vary depending on the scale used for the axes.

To plot this information on a scatter graph and shade the budget set, we first need to determine the x-axis and y-axis.

In this case, we have the number of movies (50) as the maximum number of movies Khumo can buy, and the number of bottles of wine (50) as the maximum number of bottles of wine she can buy. We can use these values as the x-axis and y-axis, respectively.

Now, let's start plotting the points.

1. Plot the point (50, 50). This represents the maximum number of movies (x-axis) and the maximum number of bottles of wine (y-axis) Khumo can buy.

Once you have plotted the point, you can move on to shading the budget set. The budget set represents all the combinations of movies and bottles of wine that Khumo can buy within her budget.

In this case, Khumo has a budget of P500. To shade the budget set, you need to consider all the possible combinations of movies and bottles of wine that Khumo can buy with a total cost of P500.

For example, if the price of a movie is P10 and the price of a bottle of wine is P10, the total cost of movies and bottles of wine combined should be P500 or less.

Start by finding a combination of movies and bottles of wine that adds up to P500. For example, let's say Khumo buys 30 movies and 20 bottles of wine. The total cost would be:

Cost of movies = 30 * P10 = P300
Cost of bottles of wine = 20 * P10 = P200
Total cost = P300 + P200 = P500

Plot another point on the graph at (30, 20). This represents the combination of 30 movies and 20 bottles of wine that Khumo can buy within her budget.

Repeat this process for other combinations within her budget. For each combination, plot a point on the graph.

Once you have plotted all the points representing the combinations within her budget, shade the area that contains all the points. This shaded area represents Khumo's budget set, showing all the combinations of movies and bottles of wine that she can afford within her budget.

Note: The actual shape and extent of the shaded area will depend on the prices of movies and bottles of wine.