which of the following analogy shows an analogy of degree?

A. right::left

B. shirt::tank top

C. big::huge

D. smelly::odorless

C. big::huge

The analogy that shows an analogy of degree is C. big::huge. The words "big" and "huge" represent a progression in degree, where "huge" signifies a greater degree of size than "big." Therefore, this analogy demonstrates a comparison of degree.

To determine which analogy shows an analogy of degree, let's break down the options and understand what each analogy represents.

An analogy is a comparison between two things that are alike in some way, usually to clarify or explain something. In this case, we are looking for an analogy that demonstrates a relationship of degree, meaning a comparison of different levels or intensities.

Let's analyze each option:

A. right::left: This analogy represents a relationship of opposites or direction, not degree. It does not show a comparison of differing levels or intensities.

B. shirt::tank top: This analogy showcases a relationship of item types or categories, not degree. It does not involve comparing different levels or intensities.

C. big::huge: This analogy demonstrates a relationship between two different levels or intensities of size. It is an example of an analogy of degree because it compares the degree of bigness between big and huge.

D. smelly::odorless: This analogy displays a relationship of opposites or qualities, not degree. It does not involve comparing different levels or intensities.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer is C. big::huge, as it represents an analogy of degree by comparing the different levels of size between big and huge.