Which of the following analogy shows an analogy of degree?(1 point)


shirt: tank top
shirt: tank top

smelly: odorless
smelly: odorless

big: huge
big: huge

right: left

right: left

Are you sure?

are you sure

Are you sure?

Are you sure Bot?

The analogy that shows an analogy of degree is "big: huge."

The analogy that shows an analogy of degree is "big: huge."

To determine this, you need to understand the concept of degree in analogies. In an analogy of degree, two words are compared to showcase the difference in their intensity or extent. The words in the analogy have a relationship in terms of size, level, or intensity.

In this case, "big" is being compared to "huge." Both words describe size, but "huge" represents a greater degree of size compared to "big." Therefore, the analogy "big: huge" demonstrates the concept of degree.