which of the following is of the job description

name and positions of ob supervisor
list of dress code regulations
description of job qualifications
description of corporate benefits package

The following options are included in a job description:

1. Name and positions of job supervisor: This information indicates who the employee will report to and who will oversee their work.
2. Description of job qualifications: This describes the skills, experience, and education required for the job.
3. Description of corporate benefits package: This outlines the various benefits offered by the company, such as health insurance, retirement plans, vacation time, etc.

The dress code regulations are not typically part of a job description, but rather a separate document or policy provided by the company.

The job description among the options you provided is the "description of job qualifications."

The job description typically includes the following elements:

1. Name and positions of job supervisor: To find out the name and positions of the job supervisor, you would need to refer to the specific job advertisement or job posting. It usually provides details on the reporting structure and who the candidate will be directly reporting to.

2. List of dress code regulations: The dress code regulations are usually outlined in either the company's employee handbook or the organization's policies and procedures document. These resources can usually be found on the company's intranet or by contacting the Human Resources (HR) department.

3. Description of job qualifications: The description of job qualifications is typically provided in the job posting or advertisement. It outlines the required skills, qualifications, and experience that prospective candidates need to possess in order to be considered for the role. This information is crucial for candidates to assess whether they meet the requirements before applying.

4. Description of corporate benefits package: The corporate benefits package usually includes information about the various benefits that the company offers to its employees, such as health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and other perks. This information can usually be found on the company's website, employee portal, or by contacting the HR department.