which of the following defines the phrase job description

a description of a positions salary and benefits
a general description of a job category and pay rate
a tool used to to recruit and select individuals for a particular job
the information found on an employees paystub

A general description of a job category and pay rate

The correct answer is:

A general description of a job category and pay rate.

To determine which option defines the phrase "job description," we can analyze each answer choice.

a) A description of a position's salary and benefits: While salary and benefits information may be included in a job description, it does not solely define what a job description is.

b) A general description of a job category and pay rate: This option is closer to the correct definition. A job description typically provides details about the duties, responsibilities, and requirements of a specific job.

c) A tool used to recruit and select individuals for a particular job: This option does not accurately define a job description. Instead, it describes a broader process of recruitment and selection.

d) The information found on an employee's paystub: This does not define a job description. An employee's paystub provides details about their compensation, not about the nature of their job.

Given these explanations, the option that most accurately defines the phrase "job description" is b) a general description of a job category and pay rate. However, it is important to note that a comprehensive job description should include more than just the pay rate, often including specific tasks, required skills, and reporting relationships.