A mechanic charges a $15 fee for a car repair evaluation plus an hourly rate for any repair services.

What is the hourly charge for his repair services?

$15 an hour

$11 an hour

$75 an hour

$82.50 an hour

The problem does not provide enough information to determine the specific hourly rate for the mechanic's repair services. The options provided do not reflect any logical pattern or calculation based on the information given. Therefore, the correct answer cannot be determined.

Hours: 0,2,4,6

Charge ($): 15,165,315,465

To find the hourly charge for the mechanic's repair services, we need to determine the amount the charge increases for each additional hour of repair services.

From the given data, we can see that the charge increases by $150 for every 2 hours of repair services. Therefore, the charge per hour can be calculated by dividing $150 by 2, resulting in $75.

So, the correct answer is option C) $75 an hour.

The hourly charge for the mechanic's repair services is C) $75 an hour.

To determine the hourly charge for the repair services, you need to find the information provided in the question. According to the question, the mechanic charges a $15 fee for a car repair evaluation plus an hourly rate for any repair services.

Since the question does not directly mention the hourly rate, we can only determine it by considering the given options.

Option A: $15 an hour - This option matches the fee for the car repair evaluation but does not specify an additional hourly rate for the repair services.

Option B: $11 an hour - This option does not match the information given in the question.

Option C: $75 an hour - This option does not match the information given in the question.

Option D: $82.50 an hour - This option does not match the information given in the question.

As none of the provided options directly match the information given in the question, it is not possible to determine the exact hourly charge for the repair services based on the information provided.