Which expression is equivalent to minus, 2, plus, t, plus, 10, t−2+t+10t?

Multiple Choice Answers
7, t7t
11, t, minus, 211t−2
9, t9t
minus, 1, plus, 10, t−1+10t

To simplify the expression t-2+t+10t, we can combine like terms.

The t and 10t terms can be added together to get 11t.
The -2 and the +t terms can be combined to get -1t or simply -t.
Therefore, the expression simplifies to -t + 11t, which is equivalent to 10t.
So, the correct answer is 10t.

To simplify the expression t-2+t+10t, we can combine like terms:

t - 2 + t + 10t

Combining the t terms, we have:

2t - 2 + 10t

Combining the constants, we have:

12t - 2

Therefore, the expression t-2+t+10t is equivalent to 12t - 2.

To simplify the expression t - 2 + t + 10t, we can combine like terms.

First, let's combine the t terms: t + 10t = 11t.

Now we have: 11t - 2 + 10t.

Next, let's combine the constants: -2 + 0 = -2.

Now we have: 11t - 2 + 10t = 21t - 2.

So, the simplified expression is 21t - 2.

Among the given options, the expression that is equivalent to 21t - 2 is minus 1, plus 10t, which is represented as -1 + 10t.