Which expression is equivalent to a, minus, 9, a, plus, 3a−9a+3?

Multiple Choice Answers
a, minus, 6a−6
minus, 11, a−11a
minus, 8, a, plus, 3−8a+3
minus, 5, a−5a

The expression that is equivalent to a, minus, 9, a, plus, 3a−9a+3 is:

minus, 5, a−5a

To simplify the expression 3a - 9a + 3, we can combine like terms.

First, let's combine the terms with the same variable, which are 3a and -9a. Since they have the same variable (a), we can subtract the coefficients (numbers in front of the variable): 3a - 9a = (3 - 9)a = -6a.

Next, let's simplify the remaining constant terms, which are 3.

Putting it all together, the expression 3a - 9a + 3 simplifies to: -6a + 3.

Therefore, the equivalent expression is: minus, 6a - 3 (option a, minus, 6a - 6)

To simplify the given expression, "a - 9a + 3", combine like terms. Combine the "a" terms and the constant terms separately.

First, let's combine the "a" terms: "a - 9a" can be rewritten as "-8a".

Next, let's combine the constant terms: "+ 3" remains unchanged.

So, the simplified expression is "-8a + 3".

Now, let's see which of the given choices is equivalent to "-8a + 3":

A) "a - 6a - 6": This is not equivalent to "-8a + 3".

B) "-11a + 11": This is not equivalent to "-8a + 3".

C) "-8a + 3": This choice is equivalent to "-8a + 3". This is our answer!

D) "-5a - 5": This is not equivalent to "-8a + 3".

Therefore, the expression that is equivalent to "a - 9a + 3" is "-8a + 3", which corresponds to choice C.