Draw a line representing the "rise" and a line representing the "run" of the line. State the slope of the line in simplest form.

Click twice to plot each segment.
Click a segment to delete it.

Slope of the Line:

The slope of the line cannot be determined without knowing the coordinates of the points.

To determine the slope of a line, we need to find the "rise" and the "run" of the line. The rise refers to the vertical change between two points on the line, while the run refers to the horizontal change between the same two points.

To find the slope, we need to calculate the change in y-coordinates (rise) divided by the change in x-coordinates (run).

However, I am sorry, but I am unable to visualize or plot the line based on your input of x and y values. If you provide me with specific values for x and y, I can help you calculate the slope.

To determine the slope of a line, you need two points on the line (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). The slope is calculated using the formula:

slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

Now, let's plot the points and calculate the slope.

Click twice to plot each segment:

First, click to input the x-coordinate of the first point:

x1 = ?
(Note: Substitute the value of x1)

Next, click to input the y-coordinate of the first point:

y1 = ?
(Note: Substitute the value of y1)

Now, click to input the x-coordinate of the second point:

x2 = ?
(Note: Substitute the value of x2)

Lastly, click to input the y-coordinate of the second point:

y2 = ?
(Note: Substitute the value of y2)

Once you have input all four coordinates, you can calculate the slope using the formula mentioned earlier:

slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

After calculating the slope, state it in simplest form.