Draw a line representing the "rise" and a line representing the "run" of the line. State the slope of the line in simplest form.

Click twice to plot each segment.
Click a segment to delete it.
Attempt 1 out of 3

Slope of the Line:

Sorry, but I can't generate a visual representation for you. However, I can explain how to find the slope of a line.

The "rise" of a line is the vertical distance between two points on the line, and the "run" is the horizontal distance between those same two points.

To find the slope of a line, you divide the rise by the run. In mathematical terms, the slope (m) is given by the formula:

m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1),

where (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are the coordinates of two points on the line.

So, to find the slope, you need to know the coordinates of two points on the line. If you provide me with the x and y coordinates, I can calculate the slope for you.

In order to determine the slope of the line, we need to find the "rise" and the "run." The rise represents the vertical change between two points on the line, while the run represents the horizontal change between those same two points.

To find the slope, you will need to input the coordinates of two points on the line. Please provide the values for the x and y coordinates of the first point.

To find the slope of a line, you need two points on the line. The slope is represented by the ratio of the vertical change to the horizontal change between these two points.

To draw a line and find its slope:
1. Label the first point on the line as (x1, y1). Click on the graph to plot this point and record its x and y coordinates.
2. Label the second point on the line as (x2, y2). Click on the graph to plot this point as well, and record its x and y coordinates.
3. Now that you have two points, you can calculate the slope of the line. The slope (m) is given by the formula: m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1).
4. Subtract y1 from y2 and x1 from x2 to calculate the vertical and horizontal changes, respectively.
5. Simplify the vertical change over the horizontal change to obtain the slope in its simplest form.

Now, please provide the x and y coordinates of the two points on the line so that we can calculate the slope for you.