Which option describes domain specific language

Language that gives the reader a clear image

Language that uses first person pronouns

Language that refers to a specific subject area

Language that contains slang and contractions

Language that refers to a specific subject area

The option that describes domain-specific language is: "Language that refers to a specific subject area."

The option that describes a domain-specific language is "Language that refers to a specific subject area."

To arrive at this answer, let's break down the options:

1) "Language that gives the reader a clear image" - This describes descriptive language, which can be used in any type of writing and is not exclusive to a specific subject area. Therefore, this option does not describe a domain-specific language.

2) "Language that uses first person pronouns" - This refers to the use of words like "I," "me," and "my" in writing. While the use of first person pronouns can be seen in certain types of writing, it does not necessarily make the language domain-specific.

3) "Language that refers to a specific subject area" - This option accurately describes a domain-specific language. A domain-specific language is a programming or scripting language that is specifically designed to tackle problems in a particular field or domain, such as finance, medicine, or robotics.

4) "Language that contains slang and contractions" - This option refers to informal language that includes colloquialisms and abbreviated forms of words. While this type of language exists, it is not a defining characteristic of a domain-specific language.

In summary, a domain-specific language refers to a specific subject area, allowing programmers to write code that is tailored to solving problems within that particular domain.