Multiple Choice

In what form do composers use da capo as a notation device?
(1 point)



both binary and ternary
both binary and ternary

neither binary nor ternary


The correct answer is:

both binary and ternary

To determine the correct answer, let's first understand what the da capo notation device is in music composition.

The term "da capo" comes from Italian and means "from the head" or "from the beginning." It is used to instruct the performer to return to the beginning of a piece of music and play from there until reaching a specific point indicated by the composer.

Now let's consider the options:

- Binary form refers to a musical structure with two main sections, often labeled as A and B. However, a da capo instruction is not typically used in binary form.

- Ternary form, on the other hand, consists of three main sections, often labeled as ABA. The da capo instruction finds its most common usage in ternary form. After playing the first section (A), the performer is directed to go back to the beginning (da capo) and play the entire first section again before proceeding to the contrasting section (B), and finally returning to the beginning (A) again.

- The option "both binary and ternary" is incorrect because the da capo notation device is not commonly used in binary form.

- Likewise, the option "neither binary nor ternary" is also incorrect as we have established that da capo is indeed used in ternary form.

Therefore, the correct answer to the multiple-choice question is:
