Multiple Choice

Write the polynomial in factored form.

4x3 + 8x2 – 96x
(1 point)

6x(x + 4)(x – 4)
6 x ( x + 4)( x – 4)

4x(x – 4)(x + 6)
4 x ( x – 4)( x + 6)

4x(x + 6)(x + 4)
4 x ( x + 6)( x + 4)

–4x(x + 6)(x + 4)
–4 x ( x + 6)( x + 4)

4x(x – 4)(x + 6)

To determine the factored form of the given polynomial 4x^3 + 8x^2 – 96x, we need to look for common factors among the terms. In this case, the common factor is 4x.

So, we can factor out 4x from each term: 4x(x^2 + 2x - 24).

Now, we need to factor the quadratic expression inside the parentheses, x^2 + 2x - 24.

To factorize the quadratic expression, we need to find two numbers whose product is -24 and whose sum is 2. These numbers are 6 and -4.

Now we can rewrite the expression as: 4x(x + 6)(x - 4).

Therefore, the correct factored form of the polynomial 4x^3 + 8x^2 – 96x is 4x(x + 6)(x - 4).

So, the answer is: 4x(x + 6)(x - 4).

The polynomial in factored form is:

4x(x - 4)(x + 6)

4 x ( x - 4)( x + 6)

What are the zeroes of the function? Graph the function.

y = x(x + 2)(x + 5)
(1 point)

–2, –5

assessment question 2 answer b
–2, –5 Image with alt text: assessment question 2 answer b

0, 2, 5

assessment question 2 answer aAs x increases, the function first increases, then decreases, and then increases. The function passes through the points left-parenthesis 0 comma 0 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 2 comma 0 right-parenthesis, and left-parenthesis 5 comma 0 right-parenthesis.
0, 2, 5 Image with alt text: assessment question 2 answer a As x increases, the function first increases, then decreases, and then increases. The function passes through the points left-parenthesis 0 comma 0 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis 2 comma 0 right-parenthesis, and left-parenthesis 5 comma 0 right-parenthesis.

0, –2, –5

assessment question 2 answer dAs x increases, the function first increases, then decreases, and then increases. The graph of the function passes through the points left-parenthesis negative 5 comma 0 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis negative 2 comma 0 right-parenthesis, and left-parenthesis 0 comma 0 right-parenthesis.0, –2, –5 Image with alt text: assessment question 2 answer d As x increases, the function first increases, then decreases, and then increases. The graph of the function passes through the points left-parenthesis negative 5 comma 0 right-parenthesis, left-parenthesis negative 2 comma 0 right-parenthesis, and left-parenthesis 0 comma 0 right-parenthesis.

–2, –5, 2

assessment question 2 answer c

The zeroes of the function y = x(x + 2)(x + 5) are 0, -2, and -5.

To graph the function, plot the points (0,0), (-2,0), and (-5,0) on a coordinate system. The function will intersect the x-axis at these points. Since the degree of the function is odd and the leading coefficient is positive, the graph will start in the bottom left quadrant, pass through the x-axis at -5, then pass through the x-axis at -2, and finally pass through the x-axis at 0 before going back up to the top right quadrant.

Here is a rough sketch of the graph:
| x x
| xx x
| x x x
| x x x
| x x x
| x x x
| x x x
| x x x
| x xx x
| x xx x
| x xx x
| x xx


Please note that this is a rough sketch and not to scale. It is always best to graph using a graphing calculator or software for accurate results.