When a positive integer is divided by a negative integer, what sign does the quotient have?

A. Positive if the sum of the dividend and divisor is greater than 0, negative otherwise.
B. Always negative.
C. Negative if the sum of the dividend and the divisor is less than 0, positive otherwise.
D. Always postive

B. Always negative.

When a positive integer is divided by a negative integer, the quotient has a sign based on the rule:

C. Negative if the sum of the dividend and divisor is less than 0, positive otherwise.

To determine the sign of the quotient when a positive integer is divided by a negative integer, we need to understand the rules for dividing positive and negative numbers.

When dividing two integers with the same sign (both positive or both negative), the quotient is always positive.

In the case of dividing a positive integer by a negative integer, we can follow these steps to determine the sign of the quotient:

1. Check the signs of the dividend and divisor.
2. If the signs are different (one positive and one negative), the quotient is always negative.
3. If the signs are the same (both positive or both negative), the quotient is always positive.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Always negative.