Identify which condition is necessary for a number to be rational.(1 point)


It must not be an endless decimal.

It must be written as a fraction.

It must be able to be expressed as an integer divided by a nonzero integer.

It must not be negative.

where should an adverbial prepositional phrase be placed to make the meaning clear

A as close to a verb as possible
B at the end of the sentence
C as close to the noun as possible
D between two commas

The hell...

arent we supposed to be talking about math?

It must be able to be expressed as an integer divided by a nonzero integer.

where should an adverbial prepositional phrase be placed to make the meaning clear

An adverbial prepositional phrase should be placed as close as possible to the word or phrase it modifies in order to make the meaning clear.

A as close to a verb as possible

which of the following are financial careers? select the two that apply.

A. auditor
B. instructional coordinator
C. loan officer
D. curator
E. arbitrator

The financial careers among the options provided are:

A. Auditor
C. Loan officer

what degree is usually required to be an accountant

A. high school diploma
B. bachelor's degree
C. master degree
D doctoral degree

B. Bachelor's degree