Nancy can make 7 free throws in 1 minute. How many free throws can she make in 10 minutes?

She can make 70 free throws in 10 minutes.

Jesse can complete 48 math problems in 8 minutes. How many math problems can she complete in 1 minute? How many math problems can she complete in 15 minutes?

Jesse can complete 6 math problems in 1 minute. She can complete 90 math problems in 15 minutes.

For every 4 blue crayons in a box, there are 3 white ones. How many white crayons are there if there are 8 blue ones? How many blue crayons are there if there are 12 white ones?

If there are 8 blue crayons, there are 6 white ones. If there are 12 white crayons, there are 16 blue ones.

To find out how many free throws Nancy can make in 10 minutes, we need to multiply the number of free throws she can make in one minute by 10.

Let's calculate it step by step:

1. Nancy can make 7 free throws in 1 minute.
2. Multiply the number of free throws by the number of minutes: 7 × 10 = 70.

Therefore, Nancy can make 70 free throws in 10 minutes.

To determine how many free throws Nancy can make in 10 minutes, we need to multiply the number of free throws she can make in 1 minute by 10.

In this case, Nancy can make 7 free throws in 1 minute. So, to find out how many free throws she can make in 10 minutes, we multiply 7 by 10:

7 x 10 = 70

Therefore, Nancy can make 70 free throws in 10 minutes.