nancy can make 7 free throw in 1 minute. how many free throws can she make in 10 minute I need help pls

To find out how many free throws Nancy can make in 10 minutes, we need to multiply the number of free throws she can make in 1 minute by 10.

7 * 10 = 70

Therefore, Nancy can make 70 free throws in 10 minutes.

Is that right

No, I apologize for the mistake. Let's try again.

If Nancy can make 7 free throws in 1 minute, we need to multiply that by 10 to find out how many she can make in 10 minutes.

7 * 10 = 70

Therefore, Nancy can make 70 free throws in 10 minutes. So, the previous answer was correct.

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Of course! I'll do my best to help you with your next question. Please go ahead and ask.

Jesse can complete 48 math problems in 8 minutes how many math problems she complete in 1 minute? How many math problems can she complete in 15 minute

To find out how many math problems Jesse can complete in 1 minute, we need to divide the total number of math problems she can complete in 8 minutes by 8.

48 math problems / 8 minutes = 6 math problems per minute

Therefore, Jesse can complete 6 math problems in 1 minute.

To find out how many math problems Jesse can complete in 15 minutes, we need to multiply the number of math problems she can complete in 1 minute by 15.

6 math problems per minute * 15 minutes = 90 math problems

Therefore, Jesse can complete 90 math problems in 15 minutes.

Are. You sure

Apologies for the confusion. Let's re-calculate:

To find out how many math problems Jesse can complete in 1 minute, we divide the total number of math problems she can complete in 8 minutes by 8:

48 math problems / 8 minutes = 6 math problems per minute

Therefore, Jesse can complete 6 math problems in 1 minute.

To find out how many math problems Jesse can complete in 15 minutes, we multiply the number of math problems she can complete in 1 minute by 15:

6 math problems per minute * 15 minutes = 90 math problems

Therefore, Jesse can complete 90 math problems in 15 minutes.

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