Using a number line, what whole number and rational number to the nearest half is square root 40 between

The square root of 40 is approximately 6.32. So on a number line, it's between the whole numbers 6 and 7. Rounding to the nearest half, it's also between 6.5 and 6.

Using a number line, what whole number and ration number to the nearest half is square root 58 between

The square root of 58 is approximately 7.62. So on a number line, it's between the whole numbers 7 and 8. Rounding to the nearest half, it's also between 7.5 and 8.

Using rational approximations what is an inequality statement comparing square root 81 and square root 88. Enter <,> or =

The square root of 81 is exactly 9, and the square root of 88 is approximately 9.38. So, √81 < √88.

Write 6,739 in expanded form

The expanded form of 6,739 is 6000 + 700 + 30 + 9.

Express 8/11 as a repeating decimal. Mark the cycle of repeating digits with a bar

The decimal representation of 8/11 is 0.72 (repeating). So, marking the repeating digits with a bar, it is written as 0.72.

Convert 0.72 (repeating) to a ration number in simplest form