Using a number line, what whole number and rational number to the nearest half is 40−−√


explain how 6 and 6.5 is the correct answer

To determine the locations on the number line where 40−−√ is between two numbers, we can start by finding the whole number and rational number (numbers that can be expressed as a fraction) that are closest to 40−−√.

The whole numbers closest to 40−−√ are 6 and 7. However, we are looking for the nearest half, so we need to consider fractions as well.

To find the rational number closest to 40−−√, we can express it as a decimal. Calculating √40, we find that it is approximately 6.3245.

The nearest half to 6.3245 is 6.5.

Therefore, 40−−√ is between 6 and 6.5 on the number line.

To find the whole number and rational number that are closest to √40, we can plot the number √40 on a number line.

First, let's calculate the approximate value of √40:
√40 ≈ 6.3245553 (rounded to 4 decimal places)

Now, we can represent the number line, starting from the nearest whole number less than √40, which is 6, and moving towards the nearest half.

Whole Number and Halves:
4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7

Since √40 is approximately 6.3245553, it is closer to 6.5 than it is to 6. Therefore, 6.5 is the rational number (to the nearest half) that √40 is between.

So, the whole number and rational number to the nearest half that √40 is between are 6 and 6.5, respectively.