Which of the following describes an economic push facter (1 point)

brain drain
land ownership


The desire to get rich quick promoted which of the following migrations? (1 point)

migration of highly skilled immigrants from asia to the US
migration due to the homestead act of 1862
migration from venezuela
migration due to the gold rush

migration due to the gold rush

The correct answer is "brain drain." Brain drain refers to the emigration or loss of skilled workers and intellectuals from one country to another, often due to better employment opportunities or educational prospects. It is considered an economic push factor because it represents a loss of human capital, which can have negative implications for the economic development of the country experiencing it.

To determine which of the options describes an economic push factor, we need to understand what each term means.

1. Remittances: Remittances refer to the money sent by individuals who have migrated or left their home country to their family or friends back in their home country. It is a form of financial support from migrants to their families, but it is not specifically an economic push factor. Rather, it is a result of migration itself.

2. Brain Drain: Brain drain is the migration of highly skilled or educated individuals from one country to another. This can have negative effects on the country of origin, as it leads to a loss of human capital and expertise. Brain drain could potentially impact the economy, but it is not considered an economic push factor itself.

3. Hyperinflation: Hyperinflation is a situation where the general price level of goods and services in an economy rises rapidly and significantly. It is usually caused by excessive money supply or a decrease in the production of goods and services. While hyperinflation has economic implications, it is not specifically an economic push factor.

4. Land ownership: Land ownership refers to the legal possession of property. It can have economic significance, as land is a valuable asset and can generate income through rent or agriculture. However, land ownership is not necessarily an economic push factor.

Among the options given, none directly describe an economic push factor. An economic push factor typically refers to the circumstances or conditions that encourage individuals to leave their home country due to economic disadvantages or lack of opportunities.