Decompose the polynomial into linear factors (x2−7x+6)(x2+3x−18)


To decompose the given polynomial into linear factors, we need to factorize each quadratic expression in the parentheses.

For the first quadratic expression, x^2 - 7x + 6, we can factorize it as (x - 6)(x - 1).

And for the second quadratic expression, x^2 + 3x - 18, we can factorize it as (x - 3)(x + 6).

Therefore, the polynomial can be decomposed into linear factors as (x - 6)(x - 1)(x - 3)(x + 6).

To decompose the given polynomial into linear factors, we need to factorize each quadratic factor.

Let's start by factorizing the first quadratic factor: x^2-7x+6.

To factorize the quadratic, we need to find two numbers whose product is equal to the product of the square term (x^2) and the constant term (6), and whose sum is equal to the coefficient of the linear term (-7x).

The product of x^2 and 6 is 6x^2, and the sum of the linear term is -7x.

The numbers that satisfy these conditions are -1 and -6 since (-1) * (-6) = 6 and (-1) + (-6) = -7.

Therefore, we can rewrite the first quadratic factor as:

x^2 - 7x + 6 = (x - 1)(x - 6).

Now, let's factorize the second quadratic factor: x^2 + 3x - 18.

Again, we need to find two numbers whose product is equal to the product of the square term (x^2) and the constant term (-18), and whose sum is equal to the coefficient of the linear term (3x).

The product of x^2 and -18 is -18x^2, and the sum of the linear term is 3x.

The numbers that satisfy these conditions are 6 and -3 since 6 * (-3) = -18 and 6 + (-3) = 3.

Therefore, we can rewrite the second quadratic factor as:

x^2 + 3x - 18 = (x + 6)(x - 3).

Now, we can rewrite the given polynomial as a product of these linear factors:

(x^2 - 7x + 6)(x^2 + 3x - 18) = (x - 1)(x - 6)(x + 6)(x - 3).

To decompose the given polynomial into linear factors, (x^2−7x+6)(x^2+3x−18), we first need to factor each quadratic expression.

Step 1: Factor the expression x^2−7x+6.

To factor this quadratic expression, we need to find two numbers that multiply to give us 6 and add up to -7 (the coefficient of the middle term).

We can rewrite the expression as follows:

To factor, we group the terms:

Now, factor out the common factors from each group:

Now, notice that we have a common factor (x−1). Factor this out:

So, the expression x^2−7x+6 factors as (x−1)(x−6).

Step 2: Factor the expression x^2+3x−18.

To factor this quadratic expression, we need to find two numbers that multiply to give us -18 and add up to 3 (the coefficient of the middle term).

We can rewrite the expression as follows:

To factor, we group the terms:

Now, factor out the common factors from each group:

Now, notice that we have a common factor (x+6). Factor this out:

So, the expression x^2+3x−18 factors as (x+6)(x−3).

Step 3: Combine the factors.

Now, we have the factors of both quadratic expressions:
(x−1)(x−6) and (x+6)(x−3)

To decompose the polynomial into linear factors, we multiply these factors together:

Therefore, the decomposed form of the polynomial (x^2−7x+6)(x^2+3x−18) is (x−1)(x−6)(x+6)(x−3).