Lauren is planning a catered dinner party for her parents' anniversary with a dinner budget of $288.

She has selected two options: a chicken dinner that costs $9 per plate and a steak dinner that costs $12 per plate. Lauren is working on the guest list and must also determine how many of each meal to order.
Let a represent the number of chicken dinners and let y represent the number of steak dinners.
Complete the equation that represents this situation.
Make sure that you write the coefficient first, then the variable. For example 3 times a should be entered 3x and 5 times y should be entered 5y.
_ = 288

• If Lauren orders only chicken dinners, how many dinners can she order?
Enter the number in the box.
_ chicken dinners

• If Lauren orders only steak dinners, how many dinners can she order? Enter the number in the box.
_ steak dinners

Part A:

9a + 12y = 288

Part B:
If Lauren orders only chicken dinners, she can order a maximum number of 32 dinners.

Part C:
If Lauren orders only steak dinners, she can order a maximum number of 24 dinners.


The cost of a chicken dinner is $9 per plate, so the total cost of the chicken dinners can be obtained by multiplying the number of chicken dinners by 9. Similarly, the cost of a steak dinner is $12 per plate. Thus, the total cost of the steak dinners can be obtained by multiplying the number of steak dinners by 12.

The equation that represents this situation is:
9a + 12y = 288, where a represents the number of chicken dinners and y represents the number of steak dinners.


If Lauren orders only chicken dinners, the equation becomes 9a = 288. To find the number of chicken dinners she can order, we need to solve for a.

Divide both sides of the equation by 9:
(9a)/9 = 288/9,
a = 32.

Therefore, Lauren can order 32 chicken dinners.


If Lauren orders only steak dinners, the equation becomes 12y = 288. To find the number of steak dinners she can order, we need to solve for y.

Divide both sides of the equation by 12:
(12y)/12 = 288/12,
y = 24.

Therefore, Lauren can order 24 steak dinners.


To complete the equation that represents this situation, we need to consider the cost of each dinner option multiplied by the number of dinners ordered.

The cost of a chicken dinner is $9 per plate, so the expression for the cost of the chicken dinners would be 9a.

Similarly, the cost of a steak dinner is $12 per plate, so the expression for the cost of the steak dinners would be 12y.

Since Lauren's budget is $288, the equation can be written as:
9a + 12y = 288

To determine how many chicken dinners Lauren can order, we need to find the value of a.
Since only chicken dinners are being ordered, the equation simplifies to:
9a = 288
To solve for a, we divide both sides of the equation by 9:
a = 288 / 9
a = 32

Thus, Lauren can order 32 chicken dinners.

To determine how many steak dinners Lauren can order, we need to find the value of y.
Since only steak dinners are being ordered, the equation simplifies to:
12y = 288
To solve for y, we divide both sides of the equation by 12:
y = 288 / 12
y = 24

Thus, Lauren can order 24 steak dinners.