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Question 1

Lauren is planning a catered dinner party for her parents' anniversary with a dinner budget of $288. She has selected two options: a chicken dinner that costs $9 per plate and a steak dinner that costs $12 per plate. Lauren is working on the guest list and must also determine how many of each meal to order.

Let x
represent the number of chicken dinners and let y
represent the number of steak dinners.

Complete the equation that represents this situation.
Make sure that you write the coefficient first, then the variable. For example 3 times x
should be entered 3x
and 5 times y
should be entered 5y

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Question 2

If Lauren orders only chicken dinners, how many dinners can she order?
Enter the number in the box.

chicken dinners
Question 3

If Lauren orders only steak dinners, how many dinners can she order?
Enter the number in the box.

steak dinners

Question 1:

The equation representing this situation is: 9x + 12y = 288

Question 2:
If Lauren orders only chicken dinners, she can order a maximum of 32 dinners.

Question 3:
If Lauren orders only steak dinners, she can order a maximum of 24 dinners.

To solve these questions, we need to use the information given and apply some mathematical operations.

Question 1 - PART A:
Lauren's dinner budget is $288. She has two options: a chicken dinner that costs $9 per plate and a steak dinner that costs $12 per plate. We need to create an equation to represent this situation.

Let x represent the number of chicken dinners and y represent the number of steak dinners.

The cost of x chicken dinners is 9x.
The cost of y steak dinners is 12y.

The total cost should be equal to the budget of $288: 9x + 12y = 288

Question 2 - PART B:
If Lauren orders only chicken dinners, we need to find out how many dinners she can order.

In this case, there would be no steak dinners, so y would be equal to 0 in the equation.

Substituting 0 for y in the equation:
9x + 12(0) = 288
9x + 0 = 288
9x = 288

Dividing both sides by 9:
x = 288 / 9
x = 32

Lauren can order 32 chicken dinners.

Question 3 - PART C:
If Lauren orders only steak dinners, we need to find out how many dinners she can order.

In this case, there would be no chicken dinners, so x would be equal to 0 in the equation.

Substituting 0 for x in the equation:
9(0) + 12y = 288
0 + 12y = 288
12y = 288

Dividing both sides by 12:
y = 288 / 12
y = 24

Lauren can order 24 steak dinners.

Lauren is planning a catered dinner party for her parents' anniversary with a dinner budget of $288. She has selected two options: a chicken dinner that costs $9 per plate and a steak dinner that costs $12 per plate. Lauren is working on the guest list and must also determine how many of each meal to order.

Let $x$ represent the number of chicken dinners and let $y$ represent the number of steak dinners.

The equation that represents this situation is:

$9x + 12y = 288$


If Lauren orders only chicken dinners, she can order a maximum of $\frac{288}{9} = 32$ chicken dinners.


If Lauren orders only steak dinners, she can order a maximum of $\frac{288}{12} = 24$ steak dinners.