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Technology affects us humans every day. Why you may ask? Because we are constantly on our phones it can affect our vision, which then leads us to go blind. If we did not constantly use our devices every day we could be going out for walks and maybe discover something new. We always waste our money on new brand devices for example the new iPhone 15 cost a lot of money we do not need a new iphone it just takes away our time for example if we were to throw 20$ in the trash we could easily get it back the next day right? Well if we throw 20 minutes in the trash we can get it back today's technology is useful but it also has a lot of downgrades it takes away our time something we can never get back.

The influence of technology on human existence is a pervasive and consequential phenomenon. Frequently engaging with technological devices, particularly smartphones, can significantly impact our visual faculties, with potential consequences that may cause impairment or even complete loss of vision. It is worthy to contemplate how our relentless engagement with these devices precludes us from engaging in alternative activities, such as leisurely walks, that could offer serendipitous encounters and facilitate the discovery of novel experiences. Additionally, our propensity to expend exorbitant amounts of money on the latest technological gadgets, exemplified by the exorbitant price tag of the recently released iPhone 15, reflects an unnecessary and wasteful pattern. It is important to apprehend that the acquisition of such devices not only depletes our financial resources but also engenders a substantial temporal cost. In likening the expenditure of money to the expenditure of time, it is evident that the latter resource is far more precious and irreplaceable. Contemporary technology undoubtedly delivers utility and convenience; however, its inherent drawbacks, such as siphoning away our invaluable time, should not be disregarded. The temporal losses incurred are irretrievable, compounding the weighty implications of our increasing dependence on technology.

Technological advancements exert a tremendous influence on human beings on a daily basis. The ubiquity of electronic devices, for instance, has the potential to adversely impact our visual capacity, potentially leading to visual impairment. By refraining from incessant and excessive device usage, individuals could allocate more time to outdoor activities, thereby enhancing the possibility of encountering novel experiences. Moreover, our incessant inclination to invest substantial financial resources towards acquiring the latest iterations of brand devices, such as the recently unveiled iPhone 15, represents an unwarranted fiscal expenditure. The pursuit of such superfluous expenditures not only depletes our monetary means but also diminishes the value of our own time. Analogously, if one were to carelessly discard a sum of 20 dollars, it could be easily recuperated the subsequent day. However, by squandering a mere 20 minutes of our time, we forfeit an irreplaceable resource. Contemporary technology, while undeniably advantageous, simultaneously bears the undeniable burden of impinging upon societal temporal constraints, thereby detracting from our potential productivity and enrichment.

The impact of technology on human beings is pervasive and far-reaching. Interactions with devices, such as smartphones or other electronic gadgets, currently constitute a significant part of our daily routines. Consequently, this immense reliance on technology has various repercussions that extend beyond convenience and productivity.

One crucial consequence of excessive smartphone usage is its potential effect on our visual health. Extensive screen time can strain our eyes and potentially lead to vision impairment or even blindness. This risk underscores the need for individuals to exercise caution and moderation when engaging with digital devices.

Furthermore, the pervasive presence of technology can deter us from exploring the physical world and discovering new experiences. Instead of immersing ourselves in the outdoors, engaging in physical activities, or embarking on unique adventures, we become preoccupied with our screens. This preoccupation not only restrains our personal growth but also diminishes the enriching opportunities that await outside the realm of technology.

In addition, the incessant pursuit of the newest, most advanced technological devices further complicates matters. Society perpetuates a culture of conspicuous consumption, wherein the acquisition of cutting-edge products becomes a status symbol. However, this infatuation with the latest gadgets often comes at a considerable financial cost. For instance, the exorbitant prices associated with acquiring some devices, like the recently released iPhone 15, can strain individuals' financial resources unnecessarily.

This misplaced allocation of financial resources underscores a larger problem—an improper value assessment of technology. While acquiring new technologies may be appealing, it is critical to recognize that the investment could be redirected towards more meaningful pursuits. For instance, the misused funds could be spent on experiences or activities that foster personal growth, well-being, or long-lasting memories.

Moreover, time, in addition to money, is also at stake due to our reliance on technology. Every minute spent engrossed in screens diverts our attention from more meaningful endeavours. It is important to understand that time is a finite resource, one that cannot be recovered once wasted. Reflecting on this reality, we ought to reconsider and reevaluate how we allocate our time more effectively.

In conclusion, while modern technology undeniably offers numerous benefits and conveniences, it is crucial to acknowledge the negative implications it imposes on our lives. These ramifications include potential vision impairment, limited exploration and discovery, misplaced financial priorities, and the irretrievable loss of time. Striking a balance between the advantages and disadvantages of technology is imperative for a well-rounded and fulfilling life.