What was the main reason that the Mexican government created Telesecundria?

To provide inexpensive, enjoyable television shows

To provide education in rural areas

To teach people how to grow successful gardens

To encourage young adults to choose the teaching profession

The main reason that the Mexican government created Telesecundaria was to provide education in rural areas.

The main reason that the Mexican government created Telesecundria was to provide education in rural areas.

The main reason that the Mexican government created Telesecundaria was to provide education in rural areas. To determine this, you can start by conducting a search using a reliable search engine, such as Google. The keywords to use in your search could be "reason for creating Telesecundaria in Mexico" or "purpose of Telesecundaria in Mexico". This will bring up relevant sources that discuss the topic. It is important to click on credible sources like government websites or educational institutions to gather accurate information. Reading articles and reports from reputable sources will help you find the main reason behind the creation of Telesecundaria, which is to provide education in rural areas.