Which action from the new Mexican government was a reason that the Mexican War for Independence was a turning point in Texas history?(1 point)

The action from the new Mexican government that was a reason the Mexican War for Independence was a turning point in Texas history was the implementation of stricter policies and regulations in Texas.

The action from the new Mexican government that was a reason for the Mexican War for Independence being a turning point in Texas history was their implementation of policies that restricted the rights and autonomy of the Mexican territories, including Texas. These policies challenged the socio-economic and political stability that had been established in Texas under Spanish rule, leading to discontent among the Texian settlers and eventually sparking the desire for independence.

The Mexican War for Independence is considered a turning point in Texas history due to the actions taken by the new Mexican government. One key action that influenced Texas history was the enactment of the Constitution of 1824.

To determine which specific action from the new Mexican government was a reason for the turning point in Texas history during the Mexican War for Independence, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the events surrounding the Mexican War for Independence: Understand the historical context of the war, including when it took place (1810-1821), the main actors involved, and their motivations.
2. Study the impact of the Mexican Constitution of 1824: The Constitution of 1824 was a fundamental law that laid out the structure and governance of Mexico. It established a federal republic and granted certain rights to its citizens.
3. Analyze the provisions of the Constitution: Pay particular attention to how the Constitution of 1824 addressed issues such as local governance, property rights, and the status of non-Spanish colonizers within Mexico.
4. Identify any specific actions related to Texas: Look for any provisions or policies within the Constitution of 1824 that may have directly affected Texas or its inhabitants during the Mexican War for Independence.
5. Consider the consequences: Evaluate how these actions or policies influenced the Texans' perceptions, aspirations, or grievances that eventually led to the Texas Revolution and subsequent independence.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify the specific action from the new Mexican government that played a significant role in making the Mexican War for Independence a turning point in Texas history.