Read these sentences from the story "Maud Martha". "These things might be theirs no longer. Those shafts and pools of light, the tree, the graceful iron, might soon be viewed possessively eyes."

How do these details support the idea that the family wants to keep their home?

These details support the idea that the family wants to keep their home by emphasizing the attachment they have towards the physical aspects of their house. The mention of "shafts and pools of light" suggests the warm and comforting atmosphere created by their home, making it a desirable place to live. Additionally, the description of the tree and the graceful iron highlights the beauty and elegance of their surroundings, further indicating their emotional connection to the place. The use of the word "possessively" implies a sense of protectiveness and unwillingness to let go, indicating the family's desire to maintain ownership and preserve the home they cherish.

1) A man moving from 0

to 10 at a fast pace
the moving back to 0
at a slow pace.

2) A man moving from 0 to -10 at a fast pace then moving back to 0 at a slow pace

3) A man moving from 10 to 0 at a fast pace

Help me!!!

It seems like you need assistance in understanding the different scenarios mentioned. Here's a breakdown of each situation:

1) In this scenario, a man starts at point 0 and moves to point 10 quickly. However, he then returns back to point 0, but this time at a slow pace. So the overall movement is from 0 to 10 (fast), then from 10 to 0 (slow).

2) In this case, a man starts at point 0 and moves towards the negative direction (to -10) at a fast pace. After reaching -10, he then returns back to point 0, but this time at a slow pace. So the overall movement is from 0 to -10 (fast), then from -10 to 0 (slow).

3) In this scenario, a man starts at point 10 and moves towards point 0 at a fast pace. There is no mention of him going back to his original position or moving at a slow pace. Therefore, the movement is from 10 to 0 (fast).

I hope this clarifies the different scenarios for you. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

In the sentences from the story "Maud Martha", the details mentioned, such as "shafts and pools of light," "the tree," and "the graceful iron," support the idea that the family wants to keep their home.

These details demonstrate the family's attachment to their physical surroundings. The "shafts and pools of light" imply a sense of comfort and familiarity that the family doesn't want to lose. It suggests that they have become accustomed to the lighting in their home and find it pleasing.

Similarly, the mention of "the tree" and "the graceful iron" highlights the family's appreciation for the aesthetic features of their home. These details indicate that the family has a sentimental attachment to the specific elements that contribute to the overall atmosphere of their residence.

By describing these details as things that "might soon be viewed possessively eyes," it suggests that the family is aware of the potential of losing their home. This implies that they are actively trying to hold onto it and are conscious of the possibility of no longer being able to enjoy these features if they were to lose their home.

Overall, the inclusion of these specific details suggests that the family values their home and the sense of comfort and familiarity it provides them.

To analyze how these details support the idea that the family wants to keep their home, we can look closely at the sentences from the story "Maud Martha":

"These things might be theirs no longer. Those shafts and pools of light, the tree, the graceful iron, might soon be viewed possessively eyes."

1. "These things might be theirs no longer": This phrase suggests that there is a possibility that the family could lose possession of the mentioned things. By introducing this idea, it implies that losing their home is a concern for the family.

2. "Those shafts and pools of light, the tree, the graceful iron, might soon be viewed possessively eyes": This sentence highlights specific details about their home that are cherished by the family. The use of descriptive language like "shaft and pools of light" and "graceful iron" evokes a sense of beauty and appreciation for the surroundings. The mention of "possessively eyes" implies that the family values and wants to hold onto these elements of their home.

Overall, these details emphasize the family's attachment to their home and their desire to keep it. The possibility of losing their cherished possessions and the vivid description of elements in their home show the importance they place on maintaining their living space.