1. Pacing is the speed at which a story unfolds. The action in a story can be fast, slow, or somewhere in between. Different parts of a narrative can have a different _________.

2. Writers can also change a story’s pacing by varying ___________ . Longer sentences cause the pacing to slow down. Shorter sentences help to speed up the action.

3. For an event that is more exciting, a writer may choose to use shorter sentences. This lets the reader feel the excitement by reading at a _________ _________.

4. For an event that is more serious or slow, a writer may choose to use long sentences so that the reader slows down and thinks about what is going _________.

5. ___________, the moments of a story when the author shows what is happening in a character's mind, is another way that a writer can impact the pacing. The more a writer has a character _________ on what is going on, the longer the story may seem.

6. Flashbacks, or scenes that show events that happened in the past, can also affect the pacing of a story. Flashbacks can slow down the action by providing important background information.

7. Dialogue can also impact the pacing of a story. Quick, back-and-forth dialogue can make a scene feel fast-paced, while longer, more reflective dialogue can slow things down.

8. By strategically using a combination of pacing techniques, writers can create a dynamic and engaging narrative that keeps readers on their toes.

Fill in the blanks.

1. rhythm

2. sentence structure
3. quicker pace
4. on
5. Internal monologue, reflecting
6. Flashbacks
7. Dialogue
8. Yes