Read the following sentence.

Jack's words burned Anna and she cried for days.

Which of following best explains what happened when "Jack's words burned Anna"?
Jack yelled at Anna.
Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings.
Jack's words set fire to Anna.
Jack no longer wanted to be friends with Anna.


Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings.

The correct answer is B. Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings.

To determine the best explanation of what happened when "Jack's words burned Anna," we need to carefully analyze the sentence. The phrase "Jack's words burned Anna" is a figurative expression and should not be taken literally.

The key to understanding the sentence lies in the word "burned." In this context, "burned" is used metaphorically to indicate the emotional impact of Jack's words on Anna. It suggests that Jack's words had a strong negative effect on her.

Option A, "Jack yelled at Anna," does not fully capture the impact implied by the word "burned." Though Jack may have yelled at Anna, it does not necessarily mean that his words had a lasting emotional impact on her.

Option B, "Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings," is a better explanation. It recognizes that Jack's words had a negative impact on Anna but does not specify the extent of that impact.

Option C, "Jack's words set fire to Anna," is not an accurate interpretation. The sentence is a metaphor and should not be understood literally. There is no actual fire involved in the situation.

Option D, "Jack no longer wanted to be friends with Anna," is unrelated to the impact of Jack's words on Anna. The sentence does not provide any information about Jack's desire to end the friendship.

Therefore, the most accurate explanation of what happened when "Jack's words burned Anna" is option B: "Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings." It acknowledges the emotional impact of Jack's words without making any unsupported assumptions.