which of the following describes what is the differnce between a job analysis and a job descirption

a job analysis doesnt include details of the job while the job job descrition
a job analysis is done by potential employees while the job description is done y company
a job analysis is a permanent element of a position while a job description is always changing
a job analysis analyzes the job as whole while the ob description is prepared for potential eployees

The correct answer is: A job analysis analyzes the job as a whole, while the job description is prepared for potential employees.

The difference between a job analysis and a job description is that a job analysis analyzes the job as a whole, while the job description is prepared for potential employees. A job analysis includes details of the job, such as the tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications required. On the other hand, a job description is specifically written for potential employees and provides an overview of what the job entails, including essential duties, required skills, and expectations.

The correct answer is: a job analysis analyzes the job as a whole, while the job description is prepared for potential employees.

To determine this, let's break down each option:

1. A job analysis doesn't include details of the job while the job description does - This option is incorrect because a job analysis does indeed include details of the job. It involves gathering information about the tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications required for a particular job.

2. A job analysis is done by potential employees while the job description is done by the company - This option is incorrect because a job analysis is typically conducted by professionals within the organization, such as human resources or job analysts. On the other hand, a job description is prepared by the company and provided to potential employees to give them an understanding of the role.

3. A job analysis is a permanent element of a position while a job description is always changing - This option is incorrect because both job analysis and job descriptions can change over time. A job analysis may be periodically reviewed and updated to reflect changes in the job, while a job description may also be updated to accurately represent the requirements and duties of the position.

4. A job analysis analyzes the job as a whole while the job description is prepared for potential employees - This option is correct. A job analysis involves examining all aspects of a job, including tasks, responsibilities, qualifications, and conditions of work. It aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the job. On the other hand, a job description is a document that summarizes the key elements of a job analysis and is prepared specifically for potential employees to give them a clear understanding of the job's requirements and expectations.

Therefore, the correct answer is that a job analysis analyzes the job as a whole, while the job description is prepared for potential employees.