Imagine you are a migrant from Ireland during the Potato Famine. Your family is locking food to live and are relocating to the United States.

Write a journal entry of your experience using PUSH and PULL factors to describe the situation.

Your Journal should be 3/4 to 1 page long. Written in lines and in complete sentences.

Highlight two (2) PUSH FACTORS in GREEN

Highlight two (2) PULL FACTORS in YELLOW

Journal Entry

Date: May 1, 1847

Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. Our family has been severely affected by the devastating Potato Famine that has plagued Ireland for the past few years. The scarcity of food and the dire conditions have left us with no choice but to uproot ourselves and seek a better life in the United States.

Since the potato blight struck our land, we have experienced one hardship after the other. Our once-bountiful crops have withered away, leaving us without sustenance. The **lack of food** has taken a toll on our health, as we struggle to survive eating meager portions of bread and whatever other substitutes we can find. The feeling of constant hunger **pushes** us to find a place where we can secure a more stable source of sustenance.

Moreover, the political and economic situation in Ireland adds to our decision to migrate. The oppressive policies of the British government have fueled resentment and poverty amongst the Irish population. We're treated as second-class citizens in our own homeland, with limited access to education, employment, and land ownership. The **political and economic instability** makes it nearly impossible for us to envision a better future for ourselves and our children. The constant struggle to make ends meet **pushes** us to seek opportunities elsewhere.

However, it is not just the unbearable conditions at home that are propelling us towards the United States; there are **attractive opportunities** awaiting us across the ocean. News of abundant land and the promise of a fresh start have captured our attention. The United States is a vast country, full of unexplored territories, where opportunity is seemingly endless. We hope to acquire our own plot of land and cultivate it to ensure a steady source of food and income for our family. This opportunity to **own land and thrive as farmers** is one of the most appealing **pull factors** drawing us towards the United States.

In addition, we have heard stories of the Irish community flourishing in America. Relatives and friends who have already made the journey attest to the thriving Irish communities in cities like Boston and New York. The presence of a supportive network and the opportunity to reconnect with our roots give us hope for a brighter future. The sense of **belonging** and the prospect of a community that understands and shares our struggles are incredibly powerful **pull factors** that are luring us towards the United States.

As we set sail for America, leaving behind our homeland and loved ones, we carry a mix of hope and apprehension in our hearts. We are determined to escape the famine and the oppressive conditions, **pushed** by the desperate need for food and a stable life. At the same time, we are **pulled** by the allure of economic opportunities, land ownership, and a chance to rebuild our lives in a new homeland. Only time will tell whether this journey will be the salvation we seek.

Journal Entry:

Dear Diary,

Today has been another difficult day for our family as we navigate through the challenges of the Potato Famine in Ireland. The entire country seems to be engulfed in darkness and despair, with a dire shortage of food that makes it nearly impossible to survive. We have finally made the heart-wrenching decision to leave our homeland behind and make our way to the United States in search of a better life.

One of the **GREEN PUSH FACTORS** that has driven us to this drastic decision is the devastating impact of the Potato Famine itself. The once-promising potato crops have been completely destroyed by a mysterious disease, leaving us and countless other families starving and destitute. The shortage of this staple food has created intense suffering and an unbearable struggle for survival. With no sign of relief in sight, it is almost as if we are being forced to leave in order to secure even the most basic necessities.

Another **GREEN PUSH FACTOR** contributing to our decision is the harsh living conditions we are currently facing. Our small village has become overcrowded with desperate families displaced by the famine, leading to unsanitary and cramped living arrangements. Disease and death are rampant, and our own health is deteriorating rapidly. The combination of famine and the living conditions is simply unbearable, and staying seems like an inescapable trap.

However, on the brighter side, there are also **YELLOW PULL FACTORS** that have influenced our choice to relocate to the United States. One of these factors is the promise of opportunity and a fresh start. We have heard stories of this vast land across the Atlantic, where opportunities abound and dreams can become reality. The United States holds the promise of a chance to rebuild our lives and provide a better future for our children. This prospect, no matter how far away, gives us hope and the determination to take the risk and leave everything behind.

Furthermore, the idea of freedom and escape from oppression is another **YELLOW PULL FACTOR** intertwined with our decision. In Ireland, we have not only faced the devastating effects of the famine, but also endured oppressive British rule, which has left us feeling powerless and voiceless. The United States, on the other hand, has the appeal of freedom and the promise of a democratic society where all individuals have the opportunity to shape their own destiny.

As we prepare ourselves to embark on this perilous journey to the United States, we are filled with a mix of emotions. Leaving behind everything we know is heartbreaking, but we are driven by the hope that awaits us on the other side of the ocean. We long for a better life, one filled with abundance and opportunity, far away from the scarcity and suffering that has consumed our homeland.

Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]

Journal Entry:

Entry date: 15th March 1847

Dear Journal,

Today marks another challenging day in my family's journey as we endure the devastating Potato Famine in Ireland. The circumstances surrounding this famine have forced us to make the difficult decision to abandon our homeland and seek a new life in the United States.

It is with a heavy heart that I highlight the two PUSH FACTORS which have driven us to this desperate choice. Firstly, the widespread agricultural disaster that has plagued our beloved country for years. The potato crops, upon which our livelihoods depend, have been decimated by a dreadful blight. The scarcity of food has led to severe hunger, malnutrition, and, in many cases, starvation. Witnessing the suffering and death of loved ones around us has been unbearable, as has the knowledge that our own survival is uncertain. **The scarcity of food and the threat of starvation persistently haunt our daily lives.**

Secondly, the oppressive British rule and the policies they have implemented have exacerbated our misery and despair. The English landlords, who own much of the Irish land, show no mercy to those unable to pay exorbitant rent. Our small patch of land, once our cherished source of sustenance, was taken from us due to unpaid rent. Forced eviction was a heart-wrenching experience that left us homeless, without any means to find alternative shelter. The injustice and cruelty embedded within this system have pushed us to the limits of endurance. **Facing relentless poverty and eviction, we have been left with no choice but to seek a fresh start elsewhere.**

On the other hand, there are also two significant PULL FACTORS that entice us to embark on this perilous journey across the Atlantic. The United States, touted as the land of opportunity, holds the promise of a better life for my family. News has spread of vast fertile lands awaiting diligent hands to toil upon them, giving hope that we may rebuild our shattered lives. **The prospect of owning our own land, which can be worked and cared for without fear of confiscation or eviction, draws us towards the American dream.**

Furthermore, we have been captivated by tales of the vast employment opportunities available in America. The rapidly industrializing cities provide prospects for work and wages that were unimaginable back home. **The dream of securing stable employment and being able to provide for our loved ones drives us towards the shores of America.**

As we ready ourselves for the arduous journey ahead, we hold onto these PULL FACTORS with a glimmer of hope. Our hearts ache with the anguish of leaving behind our home, our culture, and everything we have ever known. The uncertainty of the future weighs down our spirits. But in our hearts, we carry a flicker of optimism, fueled by the belief that the United States may offer us a chance at survival and eventually, prosperity.

With courage and resilience, we set out on this unimaginable journey, hopeful that the PULL FACTORS will outweigh the PUSH FACTORS we have endured. May our strength prevail in the face of adversity, and may we find solace and a new beginning in the land of our dreams.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]