which human action would help reduce global warming?

a. clear more forests to produce more farmland
b. eat less red meat so fewer cattle need to be raised
c, use more fertilizers to increase crop production
d. ride a bicycle rather than walk to school

b. eat less red meat so fewer cattle need to be raised

The human action that would help reduce global warming is option D: ride a bicycle rather than walk to school. Riding a bicycle produces zero carbon emissions compared to using motor vehicles, which contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and global warming.

The human action that would help reduce global warming is option b, which is to eat less red meat so fewer cattle need to be raised.

To understand why this option is effective, we need to explore the relationship between livestock farming and greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to global warming. Cattle farming, in particular, is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, mainly due to the methane released by cows during their digestion process. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that has a much greater warming effect than carbon dioxide, which is another major greenhouse gas.

By reducing our consumption of red meat, the demand for cattle will decrease. Consequently, fewer cattle will be raised for meat production, leading to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. This action is considered effective because it addresses the root cause of emissions and helps mitigate the impact of livestock farming on global warming.

If you want to verify this information or learn more about the relationship between meat consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, you can refer to scientific studies, reports from reputable environmental organizations, or expert opinions from credible sources.