Who discovered DNA "fingerprints"?

Sir Alec Jeffreys

August Vollmer

Edmond Locard

Sir Edward Richard Henry

A. Sir Alec Jeffreys

The correct answer is A. Sir Alec Jeffreys.

The correct answer is A. Sir Alec Jeffreys.

To arrive at this answer, you can use different methods to research and find information. Here's a suggested approach:

1. Use a search engine: Enter the question, "Who discovered DNA fingerprints?" in a search engine like Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo.
2. Check reliable sources: Look for credible websites like scientific journals, educational institutions, or reputable news sources to find information about the discovery of DNA fingerprints.
3. Read the search results: Skim through the search results and click on reliable sources that mention the discovery of DNA fingerprints.
4. Look for relevant information: Scan the content to find the name of the scientist or research group associated with the discovery.
5. Verify the information: Cross-reference the information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.
6. Identify the correct answer: Based on the gathered information, determine who discovered DNA fingerprints. In this case, Sir Alec Jeffreys is correctly credited with the discovery.
7. Submit your answer: Provide the answer "A. Sir Alec Jeffreys" as the person who discovered DNA fingerprints.

By following these steps, you can find the answer to the question and understand the process of researching and gathering information.